Crystal Pavement

I was a cranky mess the other morning.   It was 6:45, 20 degrees, and I had a soar throat.  My boyfriend called out to me as I rode away and asked me to think of what I am grateful for.  My mood is always transformed in such a beautiful way when I allow myself to feel gratitude.

When I got onto the road, the pavement under me glistened with ice crystals, Mt. Baldy was entranced by fog, and the sun was rising making the sky a faint color of orange.  I am grateful for my bike and that I get to ride to work so early in the morning and experience such beauty.  I get to experience nature in a way I didn’t get to when I commuted by car.  Getting to work now is a form of play, and it feels like an obstacle course full of crunchy ice to ride over, leaves to dodge, and pigeons to set into flight.

Author: Action is Eloquence

I live in Grants Pass, Oregon with my wonderful husband and am in the process of re-imagining a new life for myself! I just moved from Portland where I spent the last 11 years on a metaphorical runway and now am ready to take off. College, a marriage, several customer service jobs, death, fear and shyness were all teachers, but it's time for me to take what I learned and use my talents to make a better life for myself and give back to the community. I have a passion for helping people remember their relationship with nature. I went to Portland State University where I earned my Masters in Educational Leadership and Policy with a specialization in Sustainability Education. I enjoy blogging because it is a way for me to help others regain this relationship and learn how to care for the Earth by living more simply and mindfully. Traditional cooking, natural building, living simply, permaculture and ecopsychology are my favorite subjects and I have a new obsession with eating bugs as a way to help live a more sustainable life. I only appear quiet and reserved until someone gets me going any of these topics!

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